Miscellaneous Musings

Looks like we survived another winter and most of us are still together. My entire winter was taken up with doctor appointments. I have not been well since November. I do finally have a diagnosis of a benign but incurable condition, in addition to a horrible drug allergy I developed to my blood pressure pill. I have tried to stay positive but it's not been easy.
I was sad to see that I lost a couple of followers and a few subscribers during those darker months. Yes, I do notice these things. It always makes me wonder whether it is me they lost interest in, or if it's Indie Horror that no longer appeals to them. Oh well. There's nothing I can do about it either way. 

Something happened recently, that really upset me and contributed to my depression to the point that I considered not accepting ARCs anymore. I posted a review for an ARC that I had received from a publisher. They liked it enough to use it to promote the book. Great right? Normally that makes me happy when someone finds my reviews to be useful. Except they took a line from my review and attributed my quote to "Goodreads." Obviously, it's fine for an author or publisher to quote a review if they find it useful in promoting a book. But if my review is quoted, it should be attributed to me. I don't care if it's attributed to my name or my blog name, but it should not be attributed to Goodreads. Goodreads is not a person. Goodreads did not take the time to read the book and write a review in time for the publication date.  I may not be famous but even a nobody like me has a name and if my review was good enough to use so is my name.

Look at this! Have you ever seen a bug like this before? I was shocked to see this crawling in my driveway. I was more shocked to learn they have infested one of my trees. They disguise themselves as pinecones and hang in the trees and totally devour them. They can kill trees in a single season. My husband has plucked over 50 of these out of our poor dying arborvitae tree and I hope it will recover. We have trimmed off the dead spots and I have sprayed. Fingers crossed that it doesn't die. These nasty things are called bagworms. The male turns into a moth. The female stays a worm and lays up to 1000 eggs in this bag it carries around like a turtle shell. YUCK!


So...a couple of weeks ago I did a thing and I don't regret it. I deleted several of my social media accounts including the one that housed my biggest following...the site formerly known as Twitter where I had been tweeting about books for 14 years. I'm not famous and I'm not an attention whore and I'm not interested in participating in drama or hate so my engagement was way down even though I still had 6,700 followers left who had not yet jumped ship after Musk took over.  I'm just here for books, and by books, I mean sharing a love of reading, not trying to compete with "influencers" to get publishers to send me books I'll never read just so I can upload tik tok or YouTube videos of myself with them. (No I do not use those sites.) You won't see me posting on Threads either, and I am getting tired of Instagram and the newest update that only allows the top 9 posts from hashtags to be shown. My posts will never make the top 9 and I'm ok with that, but I do find that I am not actually interested in seeing the top 9 because it excludes the content from people I would rather see. I miss the Bookstagram community the way it used to be. I'm not giving up on it yet in hopes the powers that be will come to their senses. That may be as foolish as when I hung on to Twitter for too long hoping Elon Musk would go away but without hope all is lost right? Anyway thanks if you are still reading. For now, you can find me here on the blog if you need me and I have been enjoying Mastodon where you can find me at https://social.horrorhub.club/@Well_Worth_A_Read but don't look for me on X.

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