Thursday, January 30, 2020

Ghosters Go Camping by Diana Corbitt

This creepy camping tale is the first is a series of short stories related to the Ghosters middle grade paranormal mystery series. In this story, two of the main characters, Theresa and Joey, are on a camping trip with their grandfather, who tells them a campfire story they will never forget.

The target audience for this short spooky story is middle graders but I see no reason why children of all ages would not enjoy this retelling of the urban legend about the vanishing hitchhiker..
This is exactly the kind of book I used to buy for my own son when he was young and first took an interest in ghost stories.

I received a complimentary copy for review 

Get a copy

About the author

As you can tell, Diana likes the Game of Thrones books and TV series. She also loves the beach, traveling, and eating popcorn at the movies. Although Diana will watch pretty much any movie to satisfy her craving for popcorn, the scary ones are her go to. Gotta get that rush! />
She loves scary books too, so it's no wonder Steven King has always been her favorite author. A WARNING TO KIDS: King's books can really get to you, so talk to your parents before you read. More than one kept Diana up at night back when she was in high school.

Her work has been published in several online magazines. One short story, "Lumphead Road", was published as a podcast through a combination of narration, acting, music, and sound effects. You can listen to it on the Manor House website. "The Last Witch", another short story, can be found in an anthology of witch related stories titled Wax and Wane, now available on Amazon. />If you like her middle grade novel, Ghosters, try the second book in the series, Ghosters 2 Revenge of the Library Ghost. AND Ghosters 3 Secrets of the Bloody Tower. Diana is currently working on an Adult thriller.Visit her website at:

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