Friday, April 3, 2020

Still alive... you?

It's been a while since I posted a book review so I thought I would just pop in to say no I have not abandoned the blog. It's really hard to concentrate on books these days, I read maybe 10 pages a night and then barely remember what I read. I don't sleep well and my anxiety is high. I do have quite a few books that I am hoping to review in the coming weeks.
Other than that we are ok here, or at least we are not sick. It's getting harder to find basic necessities with all the hoarding going on but other than that we are good and I hope you are too. I am able to stay home, but so far my husband is an "essential worker" and he is forced to go out there every day. It's scary and I worry a lot.

Anyway the title of my post comes from my sister. If either of us do not hear from the other for a while she has taken to emailing me with the subject line "still alive, you?" 
I hope you are doing ok, and please, please PLEASE stay home if you can. We are all in this together.

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