Friday, August 21, 2020

Hunger Pangs by Scott J. Moses

"Thinking is like life, some insatiable hunger you'll never quite satisfy."

1959: A grieving lawman bargains with darkness to reunite his family.
1960: A traveling exorcist takes a case where the traditional means of expelling evil have failed.
1969: A haunted widower picks up a hitchhiking hippie.
1985: Siblings flee their horrid past, and the curse in their blood.
2020: An immortal longs for her life in the sun.

In his debut collection, Scott J. Moses presents thirteen tales of supernatural horror and everyday woe.

The aptly titled Hunger Pangs is a collection of tales filled with hunger. Hunger for what might have been, hunger for what can never be, hunger for human flesh, and in the title story a hunger for blood. Most are filled with themes of loss, and the horror of grieving that loss.
All were well written  and quite original although not necessarily as scary as I had hoped. I would recommend it for fans of dark fiction but perhaps not for hard core horror fans.
4 out of 5 stars I received an advance copy for review

Get a copy

About the author
Scott J. Moses is a Baltimorean writer of horror and dark fiction. His short fiction has appeared in STORGY, The Cabinet of Heed, Coffin Bell, & elsewhere. His debut collection Hunger Pangs was published in 2020.

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