Friday, July 5, 2024

The Taste of Tiny Bones by Vincent Heselwood


No one knows where he came from...He's what lingers in the shadows behind you when you turn off the lights and race up the stairs...The darkness beneath the bed that keeps your feet tucked tightly under the covers...The Bogeyman...

But Evie "Creepy" Morenson has unknowingly found a way to make him something more than what he was, something much more vicious, something much more hungry...

A simple blog post causes new nightmares to start, new fears that give him new life, and now, something is very, very wrong.

She's lost control of the monster she created, and children are starting to die.

Will she and Detective Ezra Dean find a way to stop him before he goes viral?

You thought you were afraid of the Boogeyman before...Just wait...

Alfie Turner is the first but he will not be the last that the Tat O' Rag Man visits in the dark of night. An insidious presence made of fear and belief that devours its victims as they shriek in terror has come to life.

"What do you want?" he whispered. "To eat you," came the reply.

It spreads like a virus. To see it is to believe in it and to become its target. It's up to one woman, who has lived in fear most of her life to find the strength to stop it. I loved Evie "Creepy" Morenson and her love for books and the written word in general. She reminded me a bit of Stephen King's Holly in her mannerisms and her hyper focused ability to work on a problem.

If you were ever afraid of the dark as a child, if you ever had an unkind babysitter who told you the boogeyman would get you, or a sibling who teased you that something was in the closet, be prepared for those forgotten childhood fears to come roaring back.

The author succeeds in turning the unbelievable into the possible.

My thanks to Horrorsmith Publishing.

Get a copy

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