Thursday, August 29, 2024

These Things That Walk Behind Me by David Surface

I normally wait until there is a Goodreads page with a synopsis available before I post about a book, but you are going to want this one and it is available for preorder right now.

This is a collection of 14 dark tales.

Some were familiar to me from previous publications. Most were new to me.
Fear and apprehension collide with suspense in these grim little slices of perfection.

A few of my favorites were Give Me Back My Name, about a man who has built a new life for himself, but his happily ever after is starting to unravel and his past is catching up.

Lost River Boys, in which the parents of some missing boys find a way to ease their grief by leaving gifts for their lost children.

Little Gods To Live In Them, is about some unbearably loud construction noises that rattle a neighborhood, but what are they really building?

The Devil Will Be At The Door, I can't say too much about this one, or maybe I'm just afraid to. We all have those stories of abandoned houses we were warned to stay away from, that we dared each other to enter. This is why you don't talk about it. This is why you stay away!

How The World Works, High School buddies are separated when one suffers financial hard times and disappears for a while. When he reappears with very little explanation of where he's been or his current situation, his friend is at first impressed and then terrified.

These were just a few of my favorites, but truly, I loved them all.

Disturbing customs, otherworldly beings, grief, loss, revenge, and ghosts of the past fill the pages and make for a chilling good time.
These unique stories hold a wondrous mix of anticipation and dread.

My thanks to David Surface for the advance copy.

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