Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Somewhere by Matthew Reed Williams


Alrighty, in case you are wondering why I'm showing you the back cover, I seem to have finished this book before there is a pre-order link or even a Goodreads page that I can point you to with a synopsis. 

Somewhere is about a young man named Lee, who is on his own for the first time. He is fresh out of college and out of his parents' home.

He finds himself in a picturesque town in Missouri called Somewhere that does not appear on any maps and has Twilight Zone vibes. 

All the residents are friendly, if a little odd.

He lands a job and settles into his rented attic room, and right away things turn weird.

Before long, the town of Somewhere reminded me of the old Neil Young Lyrics: "Once you're gone, you can't come back." 

His new friends seem reluctant to let him leave to spend the holidays with his parents. You'll find out why later, but that was one of the creepiest parts of this story.

There is more telling than showing in this book which is not a style I usually enjoy. Explaining to me what is happening instead of portraying it through the story and stating information about the characters instead of letting them take on a life of their own can take away from an otherwise great reading experience.

Still. the spooky atmosphere kept me turning the pages long past my bedtime.

This debut novel will be published in October 2024.

My thanks to the author for the advance copy.

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