Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Hellweg's keep by Justin Holley


Thirty-seven miners disappear without a trace within a Titanium mine, Hellweg’s Keep, deep within Zeta One, a moon orbiting the planet, Terra. When FBI agent Kendra Omen arrives via the spaceship Marietta, strange phenomenon begins to manifest…suicides, shadows a shade darker than the shadows they move within, disembodied whispers, and Kendra would swear she catches a glimpse of her own deceased daughter walking the dimly lit halls of Hellweg enterprises. But that’s impossible. Isn’t it? As evidence of occult practices at the mine emerges, Kendra realizes the answers they seek, and hopefully the thirty-seven miners will only be found underground in the claustrophobic labyrinth of shafts and natural caverns within Hellweg’s Keep.

I have never been much of a sci-fi fan but if you throw in some ghostly apparitions and a mystery you'll grab my attention. That and the fact that I enjoyed a previous book by this author is why I was willing to follow Justin Holley to Hellweg's Keep on his demons in outer space adventure.

While on her journey to investigate the mysterious disappearance of 37 miners an FBI agent is warned by a dying psychic medium not to go to Hellweg's Keep. She is told there is nothing but never-ending pain and suffering there with no hope of escape even in death. Of course, she does not let that dissuade her from her mission.

Strange happenings are already going on in Hellweg's before they even begin their descent deep underground in search of those who went missing. People are seeing spirits of the dead who fill them with despair and try to tempt them to suicide. Things get increasingly more dangerous for the search team the deeper they go.
I loved the first three-quarters of the book more than the ending. It was an action packed read but the ending bothered me. I would recommend this book for fans of the Alien franchise and The Thing movies.

3.75 stars rounded up to 4 out of 5

My thanks to Flame Tree Press.

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