One dark December night, in a small seaside town, a little girl is found abandoned. When her mother finally arrives, authorities release the pair, believing it to be an innocent case of a toddler running off.
Gregor, a seemingly single man, is found bludgeoned and left for dead in his apartment, but the discovery of children’s toys raises more questions than answers.
Every night, Ruby gazes into Gregor’s apartment, leading to the discovery of his secret family: his unusually silent daughter and his mentally unstable wife, Constance, who insists that she is descended from the mythological Selkies. She begs Ruby to aid in finding the sealskin that Gregor has hidden from her, making it impossible to return to her people.
DS Joanna Harper’s investigation into Gregor’s assault leads her to CCTV footage of the mother-daughter pair from town. Harper realizes she knows the woman almost as well as she knows herself: it’s her estranged daughter, Ruby. No matter the depth of Ruby’s involvement, she knows she will choose her daughter over her career.
Ruby is a single woman, lonely, estranged from her family, living her solitary existence, when she notices the man in the apartment across from her. Gregor is young, handsome, seemingly shy, and when Ruby orchestrates a meeting with him she has no idea the perils that await her.
When she enters Gregor's apartment she meets Constance, the woman who lives with him. Gregor says they are together but not "in that way." They share a daughter, who is the product of a one night stand. Constance is mentally ill says Gregor, he allows her to live there because he is helping her. It sounds plausible except for the chilling words Constance speaks to Ruby when they are alone. "What has he told you?" and "Do you believe him?"
This was a captivating mystery with touches of folklore and mythology and loaded with suspense. It also has all the feels that go along with dysfunctional family drama and larger than life characters.
There were times that for me, the police scenes went on a bit long. Even though one of the officers is an indispensable part of the story I just wanted to get back to what was going on with Constance and Ruby. You may feel differently, I just tend to get bored with police investigations.
4 out of 5 stars
I read a digital copy through Netgalley under no obligation to write a review.